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1. ADVERB: A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group Examples: quickly, quietly and soon.

1.1. VERB: Actions that INE person, animal or thing do. Examples: read, write and talk.

2. SUBJECT PRONOUNS: Subjective pronouns are the words in a sentence that refer to the person performing the action of the verb.

2.1. Example: Roberto/He, The dog/ It, The chair/ It, The hospital/ It

3. Adjectives before NOUNS: Adjectives are usually placed before the nouns they modify, but when used with linking verbs, such as forms of to be or “sense” verbs, they are placed after the verb. ❌ Wrong way: He is a waiter fast ❌ ✅Correct way: He si a fast waiter ✅

4. INTERJECTION: An abrupt remark, made especially as an aside or interruption. Examples: Hurrah, wow and Oh.

5. PREPOSITION: A word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause. Example: In, at and on.

5.1. PRONOUN: Appoint persons, animals or things. Examples: I, You and He

6. ARTICLE: A particular item or object.

6.1. Examples: Somebody call a policeman!, My daughter really wants a dog for Christmas; and When I was at the zoo, I saw an elephant!

7. Explain how a word is used in a sentence

7.1. There are 8 main parts of speach:

7.2. NOUN: We use nouns to talk about: person, animal, object, place. Examples: boyfriend, bear and market

8. ADJECTIVE: Is a word that modifies a noun or noun phrase or describes its referent. Examples: Dazzling, lazy and nice

8.1. CONJUNCTION: A word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause. Example: e.g. but and yet.