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1. Many: Express the idea of ​​large quantity. It is used especially in negative and interrogative sentences with the countable name in the plural. Example: How many cats do you have?

2. Much: The difference with "many" is that we use "much" only with uncountable singular nouns. Example: How much money does he have?

3. Some: It is used for both uncountable nouns or nouns as well as for countable plural nouns or nouns. Example: She has some apples

4. No, None: It usually goes at the end of the sentence and as the only answer to a question that refers to quantities. Example: There are no more dresses.

5. Little/A little: They express a small amount and are used only with uncountable names. Example: We have a little time.

6. Quantifiers the amount of a name. They are answers to the question "How Many?"

7. There are different types of quantifiers

8. Any: It is used in the same contexts as "some," but in negative or interrogative sentences. Example: He does not have any money

9. Alot of/Lots of: They express idea of ​​great quantity. Can be used with countable and uncountable nouns or nouns. Example: He has a lot of books.

10. Few/A few: They express a small amount and are used only with uncountable names. Example: There are few tourists here today