human enhancement (EN)

What is Human Enhancement? Is human enhancement good for society? What is considered human enhancement technology? What are risks and the impact (8x)?

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human enhancement (EN) by Mind Map: human enhancement (EN)

1. Related concepts

1.1. biohacking: DIY. Popular media: lifestyle

1.2. transhumanism: speculative movement, further in time

1.3. human augmentation: more focus on employees

1.4. Cyborgs: human-machine symbiosis

1.5. NBIC = neuro, bio, info & cogno convergence

2. Examples

2.1. Genetic modification

2.1.1. somatic

2.1.2. designer baby: embryo

2.1.3. biotechnology: bioprinting, organoids, etc.

2.2. Pharmaceuticals

2.2.1. cognition

2.2.2. physical

2.2.3. mood

2.2.4. anti-aging

2.3. Protheses

2.4. Exoskeletons

2.5. Implants

2.6. Brain-computer interfaces, like Neuralink

3. Concerns

3.1. Safety

3.2. Power of companies and countries

3.3. Coercion

3.4. Unintended consequences

3.5. Inequaility

4. Impact

4.1. Warfare: supersoldiers

4.2. Geopolitics: role of Asia (books Nexus, Apex & Crux)

4.3. Sports: gene-doping

4.4. Climate change

5. Principles

5.1. Responsibility

5.2. Autonomy & freedom (of choice)

5.3. Diversity

5.4. Education

5.5. International cooperation

5.6. Hans Jonas: caution

5.7. No dogma's