Nancy and Philip do not know how to deal with discriminatory comments made by fellow OT practitio...

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Nancy and Philip do not know how to deal with discriminatory comments made by fellow OT practitioners. by Mind Map: Nancy and Philip do not know how to deal with discriminatory comments made by fellow OT practitioners.

1. What is the problem?

1.1. Ethical Dilemma or Moral Distress?

1.2. Moral distress

1.3. Ethical Dilemma

2. Stakeholders

2.1. Nancy

2.2. Philip

2.3. Reina

2.4. Conference committee

2.5. State occupational therapy association

3. Additional Knowledge

3.1. Civil Rights Act of 1964: Title VII

3.2. U.S. Code Title 42, Chapter 21

4. References

5. Code of Ethics

5.1. Core Values

5.1.1. Equality

5.1.2. Justice

5.2. Ethical Principles

5.2.1. Fidelity

5.2.2. Nonmaleficence

6. Possible Courses of Action

6.1. Confront

6.1.1. Positive

6.1.2. Negative

6.2. Report

6.2.1. Positive

6.2.2. Negative

6.3. Stay Silent

6.3.1. Positive

6.3.2. Negative

7. Chosen Course of Action

7.1. Report the committee to the state occupational therapy association