The Prepared Environment: “an environment that meets the needs of any particular animal allowing ...

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The Prepared Environment: “an environment that meets the needs of any particular animal allowing them to grow and thrive (1) создатель Mind Map: The Prepared Environment: “an environment that meets the needs of any particular animal allowing them to grow and thrive (1)

1. 1. Human Tendencies and the Four Planes of Development

1.1. Supports optimal development considering the human tendencies

1.2. Individuals should be able to explore their environments as they work to accomplish the goals of their plane of development

2. 2. First Plane Child

2.1. Conscious worker(3-6) is starting to decide what to do with the information they have stored up

2.2. Sensorial explorer, learns with their hands

2.3. Strong desire to belong to a community in meaningful ways

3. 3. Prepared Environment for the 3-6 year-old

3.1. Components

3.1.1. Group at the same stage of development “Society by cohesion” the growth of an individual while as a part of the whole Hopefully a balance of age groups Between 30-40 children The brains of similarly aged children are closer than our own

3.1.2. Developmentally appropriate materials and activities Active explorer, intense motivation to interact with everything Activities in todays CH are like Goldilocks, they are just right Real, beautiful, breakable, attractive Child sized Neat and tidy. Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language areas Typically just one of each activity is available to promote character growth

3.1.3. Trained adult Thorough understanding of the development and needs of their particular group

3.2. the equilateral triangle example

4. 4. General Principles of the Montessori Prepared Environment

4.1. Aesthetics

4.1.1. Beauty and elegance, many different types of spaces, ample room

4.2. Control of Error

4.2.1. Mistakes are obvious through natural feedback(consequence)

4.2.2. Light colors to show children when cleaning is needed

4.2.3. Shows trust and respect of the child and their capabilities

4.3. Schedule of the Day

4.3.1. 3 hour morning work cycle/2 hours in the afternoon

4.3.2. 5 days a week for maximum consistency

4.3.3. Children who have outgrown nap should be allowed to work

4.4. Outdoor Environment

4.4.1. Free access is ideal

4.4.2. Almost all activities may be done outside

4.4.3. Shelters are ideal as napping and eating may also be done outside

5. 5. Freedom and Limits

5.1. Free choice of movement and activity

5.1.1. Free to choose any activity they’ve had a lesson with

5.1.2. May work with it as long as they wish

5.1.3. Returned to the shelf ready for the next student

5.2. When the child chooses their work they are happy and on the path to normalization

5.3. Adult sets the limits

5.3.1. No harm to self, materials, or others

5.3.2. May not disturb others work

6. Conclusion of what the prepared environment provides

6.1. We do not teach, we support self-development

6.2. Promote concentration

6.3. “Aid to life”

6.4. We must not interrupt the natural development of the child