My Technologycal enviroment

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My Technologycal enviroment by Mind Map: My Technologycal enviroment

1. Sharing Tools

1.1. Twitter

1.2. Youtube

1.3. Flickr

1.4. Gogle Docs

1.5. Posteros

1.6. Blog for The Treasure Hunt

2. Reading Tools

2.1. Classmates Blogs

2.2. Wikipedia

2.3. Sakai

2.4. Web pages

2.4.1. El bazar de los locos

2.4.2. Mad house of ideas

2.4.3. Creative Commons

2.5. Twitter

2.6. Classnotes

3. Tools to Writting-Reflecting

3.1. Wordreference, translator

3.2. Mindmeister

3.3. Twitter

3.4. Laptops

3.5. My Posterous

3.6. Hoppala

3.7. Mobile camera

3.8. QR generator