Greece wants to extend wall along the border of Turkey

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Greece wants to extend wall along the border of Turkey by Mind Map: Greece wants to extend wall along the border of Turkey

1. Greece Turkey Migration Dispute

1.1. Huge migration after Syrian War 2011

1.1.1. 37 lacs refugees in Turkey led to Socio-eco and political strain in Turkey

1.1.2. 2015 Thousands drowned while attempting to cross over to the west using water routes Around 10 lacs still reached Greece and Italy

1.1.3. 2016 Agreement between EU and Turkey Turkey agreed to prevent migrants from crossing into EU EU promised to help Turkey to manage refugees by giving funds

1.1.4. 2020 Turkey said it won't honour 2016 agreement Affect

2. Eastern Mediterranean Dispute

2.1. Disagreement over rights to Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean Sea

2.1.1. Significant oil and gas deposits

2.2. Turkey's Position

2.2.1. announced its drilling ship Oruc Ries would be exploring a disputed part of the sea for oil and gas

2.3. Greece stand

2.3.1. Placed navy, airforce and coastguard on a high alert

2.4. retreat after negotiation by Turkey but resumption by conducting seismic voyage

2.4.1. near Greek island of Kastellorizo

2.5. Differing perception

2.5.1. Turkey is not a signatory of UNCLOS

2.5.2. Greece is a signatory of UNCLOS

3. Hagia-Sophia row

3.1. Greece irked after Turkey ordered opening of Hagia Sophia

3.1.1. Hagia Sophia UNESCO World Heritage Site Open to Muslim Worship originally a cathedral in Byzantine Empire before turned into a mosque in 1453 Shutting down of the mosque and turning into a museum By Mustafa Kemal To make the country more secular Greeks consider it as part of orthodox christianity

4. why

4.1. To prevent mass crossings by migrants into Greece

4.1.1. Turkey's stand Says want stop refugees to cross over

5. Ties between two countries

5.1. Greece won independence from Turkey's precursor

5.1.1. Ottoman Empire

5.1.2. 1830

5.2. Exchange of Christian and Muslim ppopulations

5.2.1. 1923

5.3. opposition in Cyprus conflict and exploration rights in Aegean Sea