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1. Node 4: How can we foster citizens involvement as a citizen?

1.1. Keywords: encourage citizens waste management

1.2. Source: Google

1.2.1. Article : How can we help encouraging recycling in our community "Recycling is one of the best ways to preserve the environment. Unfortunately, many communities do not have a recycling initiative available. In particular, some municipalities contract with waste management companies who do not offer any form of recycling pickup." Insight: fostering education, building awareness and encouraging local initiatives seems to be the first step to reach a higher ground of citizen involvement

2. Node 5: Are there already local initiatives encouraging citizens to participate in waste management?

2.1. Keywords: citizens initiatives, waste management association

2.2. Source: Google

2.2.1. Article : Metropolis of Lyon : supporting co-owners to install a collective composter The Metropolis of Lyon initiated the project and works to support projects and the development of composting sites with partner companies and associations: Pystiles, Trièves Composting and Environment and Rhône Insertion Environnement. Insight: some projects exist at a local scale Do other projects exist at a larger scale (national, international...)?

3. Node 7: Are there countries that are late regarding municipal waste management? Do they get helped?

3.1. Keywords: emerging countries municipal waste management

3.2. Source: Google

3.2.1. Article: Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries: Future Challenges and Possible Opportunities Emerging countries' rapid growth will become problematic as it will increase considerably the amount of municipal waste produced. . Citation: "The consequence of the unplanned urbanization growth will definitely lead to huge problems on governments especially for meeting the increasing demand for proper and healthy municipal services. The growth will result in increase in the quantity and complexity of the generated wastes and overburdens, including solid wastes, and in particular municipal solid waste (MSW)."

3.2.2. Article: Solid waste management Insight: Some institutions/companies act to help emerging countries cope with municipal waste management concerns. Those actions include social inclusion, financial sustainability, citizens engagement and public institutions remodeling.

4. Node 6: Are there any initiative at a larger scale? Nationally? Internationally?

4.1. Keywords: national initiative waste management, international initiative waste management

4.2. Source: Google

4.2.1. Article: World bank implication in local waste services Citation: "The World Bank recently hosted five individuals representing organizations and projects that use information and communications technology (ICT) to engage citizens with local waste services . Their varied approaches reveal incentive models that effectively lead to strategic behavior change." Image source: Headquarters Magazine

5. FROM SUBJECT TO PROBLEMATIC Today, as municipal waste are mainly managed by public structures, most citizens do not feel concerned by the topic. However, everyone one can act at their own scale. Collective composting is for instance a really useful and meaningful way to take part in waste management. Even though it is hard to get citizens involved in this, some initiatives are launched at a local, national and even international scales to help everyone, including emerging countries, deal with municipal waste management. In the coming years, the participation of citizens will be essential. Hence, new infrastructures, new materials and new approaches to citizens education are being developed in order to foster citizens involvement and to act preventively instead of curatively.

6. Problematic: How could we get citizens to take part in municipal waste management and in what extent will this involvement be important in the future?

7. Node 2: How can we manage municipal waste in order to solve the problems they lead to?

7.1. Keywords: waste management methods

7.2. Source : Google

7.2.1. Search: article "Municipal Solid Waste and the Environment: A Global Perspective" Citation: "This combination of methods constitutes waste management, which can be divided into six functional elements that describe the path that waste takes from creation to disposal: waste generation, waste handling at the source, collection, transport, processing and transformation, and disposal." Image source: Britannica Insight : waste management is a complex process, with several steps. Knowing this, we can wonder how citizens can help municipalities

8. Node 3: How can citizens be involved in waste management processes?

8.1. Keywords: citizens involvement municipal waste management

8.2. Source: Youtube

8.2.1. TedTalk about composting and improving waste management Citation:"Where does it all start? It starts with us! Everybody should change their relationship with food and waste and [...] start composting." Insight: every citizen can take action regarding waste management at their own scale

9. Node 1:Why is waste management part of the 17 goals?

9.1. Keywords: municipal waste impact environment

9.2. Source: Google

9.2.1. Article: Impacts of Municipal Solid Waste (Chicago metropolitan agency for planning) Citation: "Municipal waste is responsible for environmental as well as economical and land-use-related matters" Insight: many different types of pollutions are cited (hazardous gas emissions, water contamination, energy consumption etc.)

10. Node 8: What about citizens' environmental practices in general?

10.1. Keywords: citizens environmental practices

10.2. Source: Google

10.2.1. Article: Aux bennes citoyens ! It seems that when people feel that they are part of a community, they are encouraged to get involved in environmental or social impact actions. This sense of belonging leads them to perpetuate they involvement.

11. Node 9: What will be the future of municipal waste management?

11.1. Keywords: municipal waste management future

11.2. Source: Google

11.2.1. Report: The future of waste management in an overcrowded planet Insight: future will be made of : the development of new infrastructures at local and national scales ; development of new materials as well as bioplastic for instance ; finding new outlets for recyclable products etc.

12. Node 10: Will citizens implication be mandatory in the coming years/decades?

12.1. Keywords: citizens involvement environment future

12.2. Source: Google

12.2.1. Report: Climate change scenarios and citizen-participation . Image source: GPSEO Citation: "Our world will be overpopulated and more and more interconnected. The defining challenge of the 21st century will be that the humanity shares a common fate. That common fate is already demanding for new forms of global cooperation against the blinding simplicity that is currently dominating our world. The paradox of a unified global economy and divided national societies poses the single greatest threat for our planet. And although there are appropriate waste management solutions, the main problem is the global framework that will put them in place where they are mostly required. Let’s try to create it ..."