Changing Use of ICT in Business and Economic Activities

A revision mind map to help with the topic of ICT.

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Changing Use of ICT in Business and Economic Activities por Mind Map: Changing Use of ICT in Business and Economic Activities

1. Different types of ICT

1.1. Personal Computers

1.2. Network

1.3. Speadsheet

1.4. Word Processing

1.5. Database

1.6. PowerPoint

1.7. Desktop Publishing

1.8. Internet

1.9. E-Commerce

1.10. Email

2. The Purpose of ICT in Business Activities

2.1. Communication

2.2. Spreadsheets

2.3. Databasing

3. The Use of ICT in Economic Activities

3.1. The main use of ICT in economic activities is e-commerce for online sales. There are different kinds of e-commerce.

3.1.1. Business-to-business

3.1.2. Business-to-Individual

3.1.3. Individual-to-Individual

3.2. Payment Gateway

4. Potential benefits/drawbacks of upgrading ICT provision to a business.

4.1. Labour Saving Benefits

4.2. Cost Saving Benefits