Video Conferencing

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Video Conferencing by Mind Map: Video Conferencing

1. Future Use

1.1. Barry Chambers

2. Issues

2.1. Must be easy to use

2.2. Must be accessible

2.3. Technology must work together

2.4. AV environment

2.4.1. Lighting

2.4.2. Sound

2.4.3. Interior finishes

2.4.4. Furniture

2.5. Training

2.6. Standards

3. Access this map


4. What it is

4.1. Standards

4.2. Functionality

4.3. pre-requistites

4.4. Technical Details

4.4.1. SuperJANET4

4.4.2. Over IP

4.4.3. Need to register?

4.4.4. SIP

4.4.5. H.323

4.5. Very high quality

4.5.1. Video

4.5.2. Sound

4.5.3. Screen sharing

5. Benefits

5.1. Connect with experts around the World and the UK

5.2. Virtual field trips

5.3. Collaboration

5.4. Course Delivery

5.5. Professional development

6. Resources


6.2. Janet schools Homepage

6.3. Register for the Janet service

6.4. Global Leap

6.5. US Content Provider Programmes

6.6. Janet list of providers

6.7. Database of content providers