Importance of Solar Photovoltaic System in Malaysia

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Importance of Solar Photovoltaic System in Malaysia by Mind Map: Importance of Solar Photovoltaic System in Malaysia

1. Renewable Energy Source

1.1. 1. Can be used all around Malaysia

1.2. 2.The source is infinite which obtained from the sun itself.

2. Eco-Friendly

2.1. 1. Reduce the usage of carbon-based energy.

2.2. 2. Does not pollute the environment since it does not produce some dangerous byproduct such as chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), carbon monoxide (CO), ect.

3. Home Investment

3.1. 1. Add value to the house since installing the solar panel can save a lot of money from utility bills.

3.2. 2. House with installed solar panel has higher value and many buyer willing to pay more for environment-friendly house.

4. Economic Growth

4.1. 1. Since it is recognized as clean energy, many company will invest more in this field.

4.2. 2. More investment lead to more additional jobs is available for experienced worker.

5. Free Source of Energy

5.1. 1. The solar power is not being monopolized by any country thus can be used by everyone.