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Sexual Abuse by Mind Map: Sexual Abuse

1. signs of abuse

1.1. self harming

1.2. Nightmares

1.3. sudden anger

1.4. bed wetting

2. Treatment

2.1. Therapy

2.1.1. group therapy

2.1.2. family therapy

2.1.3. Individual therapy

3. Types of Sexual Abuse

3.1. Child sexual abuse

3.2. Incest

3.3. Spousal Rape

3.4. Sexual exploitation

3.5. Stranger rape

3.6. Date or Acquaintance Rape

4. Offenders

4.1. Family friend

4.2. Family member

4.3. Random person

4.4. Clergy

4.5. Spouse

5. Victims

5.1. age groups

5.1.1. child

5.1.2. adolescent

5.1.3. teenager

5.1.4. adult

5.2. gender

5.2.1. male

5.2.2. female

6. Economic Factors

6.1. Poor

6.2. Middle class

6.3. Upper class

7. Relationship with ethnicity

7.1. Caucasian

7.2. African American

7.3. Latin American

7.4. Asian American

8. Effects

8.1. Psychological

8.1.1. depression

8.1.2. post traumatic stress disorder

8.1.3. Rape trauma syndrome

8.1.4. substance abuse

8.2. Physical

8.2.1. eating disorders

8.2.2. chronic pain

8.3. social

8.3.1. fear of people

8.3.2. not wanting to get into a relationship

8.4. sexual

8.4.1. not wanting to engage in intercourse