The Enemy by Pearl S Buck

"The Enemy" by Pearl S Buck

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The Enemy by Pearl S Buck by Mind Map: The Enemy by Pearl S Buck

1. Sadao's education was his father's chief concern for which he had sent him to America to study surgery and medicine.

2. Sadao's Expertise as a surgeon & scientist.

3. Researching on a discovery to render wounds clean. So he was not sent with the troops during war. The general too was unwell and could need his services any time.

4. An American P.O.W was washed ashore on the coast near Sadao's house.

5. Servants' reaction- disapprove of master's action of helping the white man.

6. The servants' desertion

7. Arrangements for Tom's Escape

8. Return of servants makes life normal for Sadao and Hana.

9. The General's promise to send his private assassins to finish the PoW

10. Dr. Sadao Hoki's early life

11. Sadao reminisces his stay in American. Meeting with Hana. Marriage in tradional Japanese way.

12. Sadao's dilemma • If they shelter the POW, they will be considered as traitors. • If they hand him over to the police, the man would die.

13. Sadao performed surgery on the P.O.W and was successful in taking out the lodged bullet. Gradually the American Naval man started recovering.

14. The General's mesage- his dependence on doctor

15. Sadao's restlessness as no sign of assassin was seen even after two days.

16. Another encounter with the General- both decided to keep everything secret.

17. Sadao's Wonder/Amazement- why he could not kill Tom, the American PoW.