FARMING: Farming is a kind of system in which various inputs and processes are involved to obtain...

A Mind Map Displaying The Different Types of Farming

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FARMING: Farming is a kind of system in which various inputs and processes are involved to obtain production/outputs. by Mind Map: FARMING: Farming is a kind of system in which various inputs and processes are involved to obtain production/outputs.


1.1. INTENSIVE SUBSISTENCE FARMING- Intensive subsistence farming is done on a small plot of land with traditional/less tools and more labour.


1.2.1. SHIFTING CULTIVATION: Shifting cultivation is a type of farming activity in which a plot of land is cleared by cutting down trees and burning them. The ashes are then mixed with the soil and crops are grown. After the land has lost its fertility, it is abandoned. The farmers then move to a new place. It is also known as the slash and burn method.

1.2.2. NOMADIC HERDING: Nomads are tribes who move from place to place in search of better resources. People who move in search of pastures for their domesticated animals are known as nomadic herders. This method of herding livestock from place to place based on the needs is known as Nomadic Herding.


2.1. MIXED FARMING: Mixed farming is a type of Commercial farming which involves both the growing of crops and the raising of livestock.

2.2. PLANTATIONS: Plantations are a type of commercial farming where only a single crop (like tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana or cotton) is grown on a large scale.