Food and restaurants

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Food and restaurants by Mind Map: Food and restaurants

1. Menus

1.1. Dishes

1.2. Prices

2. Place

2.1. Kitchen

2.2. Dining-room

2.3. Restaurante

2.4. Bar / Café

2.5. Fast food place

2.6. Food truck

2.7. Diner

2.8. Chinese take away

3. Dinner

4. Lunch

5. Breakfast

5.1. Pancakes

5.2. Milk

5.3. Cereale

5.4. Toast

5.5. Eggs

5.6. Coffee

5.7. Cookies

5.8. Sugar

5.9. Jam

6. People

6.1. Waiter

6.2. Waitress

7. Fruit

7.1. Banane

7.2. Orange

7.3. Cherry

7.4. Mango

7.5. Pear

7.6. Peach

7.7. Appele

7.8. Pineappele

7.9. Grapes

7.10. Strawberry

7.11. Melon

8. Drinks

8.1. Water

8.2. Soda

8.3. Fruit juice

8.4. Milk

8.5. Coffee

8.6. Tea

8.7. Beer

8.8. Lemonade

8.9. Hot chocolate

8.10. Wine

8.11. Shake

8.12. Alcohol

9. Vegetable

9.1. Carrots

9.2. Onion

9.3. Artichoke

9.4. Asparagus

9.5. Beans

9.6. Beetroot

9.7. Broccoli

9.8. Cabbage

9.9. Celery

9.10. Corn

9.11. Cucumber

10. Junk food

10.1. Humburger

10.2. Pizza

10.3. Chicken wings

10.4. Candy / Sweets

10.5. Fries / Chips

10.6. Donut

11. Snack