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1. Meditation

1.1. Reduce stress

1.2. Breathing Techniques

1.3. Yoga

1.3.1. Mental exercise

1.3.2. Physical exercise

1.4. Healthy Stress

2. Physical Exercise

2.1. Moderate Exercises

2.1.1. Swimming

2.1.2. Tennis

2.1.3. Squash

2.1.4. Dancing

2.2. Increasing blood flow

2.2.1. Hit the gym

2.2.2. Do cardio

3. Brain Exercises

3.1. Dexterity

3.1.1. Painting

3.1.2. Drawing

3.1.3. Playing music

3.1.4. Sports

3.2. Concentration

3.3. Attention

3.4. Worth problems

3.5. Mental games

3.6. Puzzles

3.7. Reading

4. Quality Sleep

4.1. 7 to 8 hours of sleep

4.2. Don't oversleep

4.3. Not less than 7 to 8 hours

5. Brain Boosting Diet

5.1. Fatty acid

5.2. Minerals

5.3. Vitamins

5.4. Food

5.4.1. Blueberries

5.4.2. Eggs

5.4.3. Fish

5.4.4. Avocadoes

5.4.5. Walnuts

6. Laughter Therapy

6.1. Endorphins

6.1.1. Eating chocolates

6.1.2. Physical exercise

6.2. Comedy club

6.3. Going around with friends

6.4. Playing silly

6.5. Fun activity karaoke

6.6. Funny movie

6.7. Bowling