Collin Hobock's Freshmen Portfolio

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Collin Hobock's Freshmen Portfolio por Mind Map: Collin Hobock's Freshmen Portfolio

1. ELA Standards are the core standards all students in Indiana must learn and master in order to meet the criteria required to graduate

2. Closing Statement

3. Data Reflection

4. Reflection 8: Football Unit

4.1. ELA Standard 8 Workplace Skills

5. Reflection 5:Meteorology

5.1. ELA Standard 4 Writing Informational Text

6. Introductory Letter

7. Reflection 6: Renaissance Entrepreneur

7.1. ELA Standard 6 English Language Convebtions

8. Reflection 7: "The Land of the Free?"

8.1. ELA Standard 5 Writing Literary Text

9. Reflection 1: History's Most Wanted

9.1. ELA Standard 3 Comprehension and Analysis

9.2. ELA Standard 3 Comprehension and Analysis

10. Reflection 2: Energy for Life

10.1. ELA Standard 7 Listening and Speaking

10.2. New node

11. Reflection 3: The Language of Mathematics

11.1. ELA Standard 1 Vocabulary and Concept Development

11.2. ELA Standard 1 Vocabulary and Concept Development

12. Reflection 4: Write for Me

12.1. ELA Standard 5 Literary Text

12.2. ELA