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Portfolio by Mind Map: Portfolio

1. Tree Placement Project

1.1. Core Standard 1

1.2. SWLO Collaberation/Work Ethic

1.3. Reflection

2. Ceramics Projects

2.1. Core Standard 2

2.2. SWLO Creative Problem Solving/Technonolgy

2.3. Reflection

3. Data analysis

3.1. NWEA

3.1.1. Reflection

3.2. Star Reading

3.2.1. Reflection

3.3. Interim Assesment

3.3.1. Reflection

3.4. Goals

3.4.1. Reflection

3.5. Grades

3.5.1. Reflection

4. My Personal Website

5. Belief System

5.1. Core Standard 3

5.2. SWLO Technology

5.3. Reflection

6. Success

6.1. Core Standard 6

6.2. SWLO Collaboration/Work Ethics

6.3. Reflection

7. Industrial Revolution

7.1. Core Standard 7

7.2. SLWO Work Ethics/ Technology

7.3. Reflection

8. Sport Article Summary

8.1. Core Standard 4

8.2. SWLO Work Ethic

8.3. Reflection

9. Sport comparasion

9.1. Core Standard 5

9.2. SWLO Collaboration/ Worth Ethics

9.3. Reflection

10. Introduction

11. Conclusion

12. SWLO

12.1. Core Standard 8

12.2. Reflection