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Classes by Mind Map: Classes

1. Algebra 1

1.1. Mathematical Dictionary

1.2. SWLO: Work Ethic, Creative Problem Solving, Collaboration

1.3. Core Standard : 1 and 2

1.4. Reflection

2. Science

2.1. Tornado PowerPoint

2.2. SWLO: Collaboration, Content, Technology

2.3. ES.1.10, ES.1.11, ES.1.7

2.4. Reflection

3. Band

3.1. Solo and Ensemble

3.2. SWLO: Collaboration, Communication, Content

3.3. Core Standard 8

3.4. Reflection

4. Wix page

5. P.E

5.1. Hockey Unit

5.2. SWLO: Collaboration / Communication

5.3. ELA Core Standard 6

5.4. Reflection

6. English 9

6.1. The Odyssey Group Presentation

6.1.1. SWLO: Content, Communication, Collaboration

6.1.2. 9-10 R.H.1

6.1.3. Reflection

6.2. Industrial Revolution

6.2.1. SWLO: Technology, Content, Work Ethic, Collaboration

6.2.2. Core Standard 2 ,7 & 8

6.2.3. Reflection

7. World History

7.1. Renaissance Entrepreneurs

7.1.1. SWLO: Communication, Collaboration

7.1.2. W.H. 9.2

7.1.3. Reflection

7.2. Oppression Presentation

7.2.1. SWLO

7.2.2. Core Standard 2

7.2.3. Reflection