terror and conflict

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terror and conflict by Mind Map: terror and conflict

1. terrorists

1.1. suicide bomber

1.2. weapons

1.2.1. bombs

2. actions

2.1. kidnapping

2.2. rape

2.3. attack

2.4. murder

2.5. violence

2.6. blackmail

2.7. abduction

2.8. abuse

2.9. to wage a campaign against

3. religious beliefs

3.1. blasphemy

4. persecution

5. feelings

5.1. anxiety

5.1.1. to be anxious

5.2. insecurity

5.3. distrust

5.3.1. suspicion

5.4. aversion

5.5. hate/hatred

5.6. to worry

5.6.1. apprehensive to be concerned

5.7. to be vulnerable

5.8. miserable

5.9. fear

5.10. to be frightened

5.10.1. to be afraid of to be horrified to be petrified

5.11. to feel threatened

5.12. despair

5.12.1. to be desperate

5.13. devastate

5.14. to be aggressive

5.14.1. to be infuriated

5.15. anger

5.16. to be stressed

5.17. to be depressed

5.17.1. to be hopeless

5.18. to be exhausted

5.19. to feel powerless

5.20. to feel unaccepted

5.21. to feel unsafe

6. effects

6.1. ripple effect

6.2. vicious circle

6.3. resettlement

6.4. refugees

6.5. instability

6.6. revenge

6.7. escape

7. reasons

7.1. lack of career opportunities

7.2. poverty

8. cultural differences