Kalonji's 9th grade Portfolio

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Kalonji's 9th grade Portfolio by Mind Map: Kalonji's 9th grade Portfolio

1. Another opportunity is that i get a chance to get an education unlike a lot of people in the world because they don't get that chance

2. Strengths

2.1. One of my strengths this year was researching. The reason researching was so easy for me because i used the search engine called Google

2.2. Another Strength that i have i scanning or reading the direction carefully and following carefully.

3. Opportunities

3.1. Some opportunities i have is being taught by a very smart teacher that studied that subject and knowing it very well.

4. Formation of the Solar System- ES 1.1

5. Disabilities and Technology- ES 1.8

6. Core Standard 6

7. Weaknesses

7.1. One weakness is staying focus because i get side tracked a lot.

7.2. Another weakness is wanting to do the assignments that were given from the teacher or adult.

8. Likes about 9th grade year.

9. What i did like about my 9th grade year was we got to use computers because technology is a big thing in our world today. Another thing i like about this year is we had more freedom to do stuff because we were more trust worthy.

10. Industrial Revolution

10.1. Reflection

11. Oppression- EL.9.7.1

12. History Of The Universe-ES.1.7

13. Core Standard 7

14. Core Standard 8