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environm by Mind Map: environm

1. Some reasons for the issues

1.1. Cut down green trees

1.2. Use too much energy

1.3. Use too many plastic things (such as bottles and bags)

1.4. Littering, or tossing garbage/trash on the ground

1.5. Use chemicals in farming such as pesticides or herbicides

2. Land pollution

3. How to take care of our environment

3.1. clean air and water

3.2. Plant more trees

3.3. Save water and energy

3.4. Pick up trash

3.5. 3Rs

3.5.1. Reuse

3.5.2. Recycle

3.5.3. Reduce

4. Some environmental issues

4.1. Air pollution

4.2. Water pollution/contamination

4.3. Noise pollution

5. What is environment? - Environment is everthing around us

5.1. Air

5.2. Land

5.3. Water

5.4. People

5.5. Animals

5.6. Plants

5.7. etc.