Communities Q3

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Communities Q3 by Mind Map: Communities Q3

1. Automation Framework and E2E Automation

1.1. FTest and UI tests in core

1.2. TestIM

2. Enable Productivity

2.1. Precheckin Automation

2.1.1. Monitor / Maintain / Respons to Failures

2.1.2. Precheckin Audit Tool

2.2. Code Coverage Bot

2.3. ProdGackWatcher

2.4. PatchHealthNotifies

2.5. Monorail

3. Test Guidance

3.1. Test Plan Template/Guidance

3.2. Sub-Cloud VATs

3.2.1. DXP QE VAT

3.2.2. B2B QE VAT

4. Teams

4.1. DXP

4.1.1. Experience Builder

4.1.2. Communities Template Platform (CTP)

4.1.3. Experience Personalization Platform

4.1.4. Communities Next Gen

4.1.5. Communities Runtime

4.1.6. Communities Engagement Intelligence

4.1.7. Others

4.2. Communities Q3 team

4.3. B2B

4.3.1. B2B Commerce

4.3.2. B2B - Products

4.3.3. Others

4.4. BQAT

5. Initiatives

5.1. Enahance and Formalize Exloratory Testing

5.2. Automation Framework Improvements / Maintenance (DXP)

6. Areas / Feature

6.1. DXP

6.1.1. Design Time UI (Experience Builder)

6.1.2. CTP - Communities Template Platform

6.1.3. Personalization / Audience

6.1.4. Runtime

6.1.5. Platforms Aura / Lighting CLWR Legacy Sites & Visualforce

6.1.6. Experience Bundle

6.2. B2B Commerce

6.2.1. OTHERS

6.3. CMS

6.4. Runtime VS Design Time

7. Communication

7.1. Slack

7.2. Chatter

7.3. Quip