Intranet Online Examination

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Intranet Online Examination by Mind Map: Intranet Online Examination

1. Technology Stack

1.1. Tools

1.1.1. Apache Tomcat

1.1.2. Eclipse

1.1.3. Maven

1.2. User Interface

1.2.1. HTML

1.2.2. CSS

1.2.3. Javascript

1.2.4. AJAX

1.2.5. JSP

1.3. Messaging

1.3.1. JMS

1.4. Middleware

1.4.1. Spring

1.4.2. Spring MVC

1.4.3. Servlets

1.5. Persistance

1.5.1. Hibernate

1.5.2. MySQL

1.6. Security

1.6.1. Spring Security(optional)


1.8. Testing

1.8.1. Junit Testing

2. Client Application

2.1. Exam Login

2.2. conduct exm

2.3. make paper

2.4. correct papers

2.5. mail score card

2.6. save score card

2.7. Auto submission of exam

2.8. create account

2.9. Register for exam

2.10. Generate Score card

3. Administrator

3.1. login

3.2. logout

3.3. create exams

3.4. cancel exams

3.5. register candidate

3.6. unregister candidates

3.7. send mail

3.8. upload questions

3.9. view candidate profile

3.10. Block candidates