Life on the Goldfields

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Life on the Goldfields by Mind Map: Life on the Goldfields

1. Entertainment

1.1. music

1.1.1. An addition to story telling

1.1.2. Often failed to satisfy an audience

1.2. Dancing

1.2.1. An excuse to relax

1.2.2. Dress up in finery

1.2.3. Show off to the other diggers

2. Clothing

2.1. Girls

2.1.1. Dressed up like their mothers

2.1.2. Tight waist and full skirt dresses

2.1.3. Brightly coloured stockings with hard leather boots

2.1.4. When outside... Wore a cape or jacket with a hat covered with flowers

2.2. Boys

2.2.1. Boys under five wore dresses

2.2.2. baby clothes are very expensive

2.2.3. Only had 2-3 sets of clothes

2.2.4. slept in nightshirts or underwear

2.2.5. Dressed like their fathers

2.2.6. Wore long pants held up by a belt, striped shirts, long jackets and a hat or cap

2.3. Women

2.3.1. Wore a large bonnet to keep off the sun

2.3.2. Wore long dresses with high necks and a tight waist

2.3.3. Wore cotton petticoat and bloomers underwear

2.3.4. Striped stockings and hardwearing boots

2.3.5. Rich ladies Lace sleeves White gloves

2.4. Gentlemen

2.4.1. The richer, the highter their hat is.

2.4.2. Wore suits.

2.5. Miners

2.5.1. Successful miner wore a striped flannel undershirt or a cotton overshirt.

2.5.2. Heavy leather boots that came to their knees

2.5.3. Cabbage tree hat.

2.5.4. Moleskin trousers.

2.5.5. Leather belt

3. Food

3.1. Breakfast

3.1.1. Steaks and chops

3.2. Staple food

3.2.1. Mutton, stew and damper

3.3. Tired digger

3.3.1. Mutton and damper meal

3.4. Tea

4. Housing

4.1. tents

4.2. huts

4.2.1. made from canvas, wood or bark

5. Sickness

5.1. Polluted water

5.2. Defiicent amount of nutrient and vitamen

5.3. A cold could quickly develop into pneumonia

5.4. Lack of good medical facilities

5.5. Patients with serious illness could even return to their tents instead of being placed in a hospital.

5.6. Excessive drinking caused hardening of liver

6. Life of children

6.1. When not attending school, children are expected to help their mum with household chores.

6.2. Also they would help to find gold on their diggings.

6.2.1. They also learn how to rock the cradle.

6.3. Cared for horses, looked after the tent or hut and carried wood

6.4. Older children were expectd to work as hard as adults.

7. Shopping

7.1. Lots of alcohol

7.2. Things are really expensive