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1. Causes of War

1.1. 1. Political

1.2. 2. Religious

1.3. 3. Social

1.4. 4. Military

1.5. 5. Economy

2. Reasons Nations Go to War

2.1. - to settle a dispute that they are unable to resolve peacefully

2.2. - they lie to themselves that everyone believes their lies, only to be confronted by an opposition that feels the exact opposite

2.3. - to keep their newly declared independence

2.4. - to protect their way of life

2.5. - at least one party having an authoritarian or totalitarian regime , status quo disruption, confidence in success

3. Typology the Causes of War (Kenneth Waltz)

3.1. Level 1 (Individual)

3.1.1. created the mind of people as result of stupidity

3.2. Level 2 (Society)

3.2.1. result from despotic rule, lack of democratic institution & unfair distribution

3.3. Level 3 (International System)

3.3.1. result from anarchic state : sovereign state are not subjected to a higher jurisdiction

4. Types of Causes of War

4.1. Immediate & Underlying

4.1.1. - immediate causes are proximate

4.1.2. - underlying causes are more fundamental

4.2. Efficient and Permissive

4.2.1. - efficient causes relate to the particular circumstances of a specific war

4.2.2. - permissive causes are characteristics of the int. system that, they do not promote war but create conditions for it to occur

4.3. Necessary and Sufficient

4.3.1. - necessary causes must be present if a war is to occur

4.3.2. - a sufficient cause assures the occurrence of war

5. Human Nature Explanation for War

5.1. 1. Socio-biological Imperatives

5.2. 2. Misperception

5.3. 3. “Group” Explanations

6. War and Conflict

6.1. War

6.1.1. - state of armed conflict between states or societies

6.1.2. - a state-of-war/hostility towards other parties issued officially by governments/states

6.1.3. - a military or violent conflict between two societies

6.1.4. - characterized by extreme collective aggression, destruction & high levels of damage & mortality

6.1.5. - a revolution may or may not involve a war or civil war (or conflict between groups within the same country)

6.2. Conflict

6.2.1. - a fight between armed troops

6.2.2. - not every war sees actual conflict, nor is every conflict connected to war

6.2.3. - necessary to define the difference between the often-interchangeable terms to examine why conflict and disputes exist

7. Effect of The War

7.1. - effects on political, environmental, economy and social

7.2. - causes the foreign policy to change

7.3. - methods of modern warfare cause far greater devastation on the environment

7.4. - may financially benefit a country and stimulate the economy

8. Conscious and unconscious motives for war

8.1. - national leaders seeing it as tool for the implementation of policy

8.2. - may be driven by unconscious factors related to their individual psyche

9. Human collectives and violence

9.1. - distinctions between “us” and “them”

9.2. - sometimes democracies fight as often as other states do, but not with each other

10. The decline of inter-state conflict

10.1. - ethnic conflict and the Clausewitzian model

10.2. - future wars between civilizations?

10.3. - the ‘End of History’?

11. The tension between justice and peace

11.1. - few want peace at any price

11.2. - pursuing justice may require war

11.3. - leaders sometimes must choose which they value more

11.4. - international law and collective security