Grant Application: Towards Digital Fluency in Teacher Education?

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Grant Application: Towards Digital Fluency in Teacher Education? por Mind Map: Grant Application: Towards Digital Fluency in Teacher Education?

1. Significance

1.1. 21st C literacies

1.2. Professional Standards eg. NSDWIT

1.3. Implications for K-12

2. Outcomes

2.1. Literature Review if area

2.2. Implications for Other Faculties

2.3. Improved digital literacies in Teacher Education course e.g. 'ways forward' with development of digital literacies; compliance with NSWIT etc.

2.4. paper at TEd conference

3. Scan of current Literature

3.1. Resnik, Hsi etc. 'Digital Fluency' ... towards a creative society

3.2. TPCK

3.3. Phelps, risk-taking approach

3.4. Digital natives/digital immigrants

4. Scan of current practices / approaches / policies

4.1. Australia

4.2. Global e.g. US

5. Budget

5.1. Research assistant to do literature review & help collect & process data

5.2. Marking release for HR & MK

5.3. Possibly pay for subscription to online tutes such as atomic learning?

6. Action research component

6.1. Probe student (and staff?) perceptions of 'what it means to be digitally literate?', 'role of learning technologies'? Snapshot of attitudes towards technologies

6.2. Interviews, Surveys ...

6.3. Participants: 4th Year (and 1st year?) BEd students & BTeach students

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