Abortion in America
by Samira Fouladi
1. Importance
1.1. The concepts being used by society are being challenged and redefining by these female activists.
1.2. What does gender, reproduction and sexuality really mean culturally and socially in our world?
2. Pro Choice
2.1. Mostly women born 1942-1952
2.2. Experienced and affected by social change in 60's; especially women's movement
2.3. Choices about sexuality, pregnancy, childbearing influenced being pro choice
2.4. Activists are not protesting for themselves but are fighting for an organizing society as a whole in addition to promoting the many different roles of a woman
2.5. These women want to be in control of their own bodies and make decisions they deem best. Do not want other people, politicians or religious groups to control their personal lives
2.6. nurturance is on a larger social scale
3. My Geistesblitzes
3.1. Bn
4. Fargo, North Dakota-1981
5. Pro Life
5.1. Mostly women born in 1920's-1950's
5.2. Nurturance
5.2.1. Focused on preserving nururance
5.2.2. Nurturance is achieved rather than natural but women are the ones to do it.
5.2.3. Reproductive consequences (child) and rejecting female nurturance (abortion) = women becoming men