Chp 1: Role of Marketing Research

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Chp 1: Role of Marketing Research por Mind Map: Chp 1: Role of Marketing Research

1. About Research

1.1. Basic or Pure

1.1.1. Academic Research

1.2. Applied

1.2.1. Marketing Research

1.3. Significance of the Scientific Method

1.3.1. For Basic

1.3.2. For Applied

2. Applied to Marketing

2.1. Marketing Concept

2.1.1. be consumer oriented

2.1.2. stress long-run profitability

2.1.3. adopt a cross-functional perspective

2.1.4. relationship-era of marketing

2.1.5. total quality management

3. Why Conduct Research?

3.1. identify and evaluate opportunities

3.2. analyze market segments and select target markets

3.3. plan and implement a marketing mix (4Ps)

3.4. analyze and monitor marketing performance

4. Marketing Variables

4.1. Product

4.1.1. concept testing

4.1.2. product testing

4.1.3. brand-name evaluation

4.1.4. package testing

4.2. Price

4.2.1. competitive analysis

4.2.2. sensitivity analysis

4.2.3. seasonal/quantity discounts

4.2.4. impact of discounts/coupons

4.3. Promotion

4.3.1. impact of coupons, sampling deals

4.3.2. consumer behavior/motivations

4.3.3. advertising effectiveness

4.4. Place/Distribution

4.4.1. site selection (distance/convenience)

4.4.2. site design (store atmosphere)

4.4.3. channel partner expectations

5. When to do Research?

5.1. time constraints

5.2. availability of data

5.3. nature of decision

5.4. cost/benefit analysis