1. International
1.1. canada's role in conflict
1.1.1. UN peacekeeping Rwanda was left to canadians to defend only but Kuwait, there was oil so everyone jumped in to help. Cdn peacekeeping in almost every operation since start its peacekeeping missions. Korean war: canada sent thousands if troops and 3 naval destroyers to Korea.
1.1.2. suez crisisLester pearson went and solved the crisis by having a multinational peacekeeping force installed in the area to make sure the violent forces withdrew fom their attacking.
1.1.3. United Nations General assembly Security Council
1.2. canada's humanitarian efforts
1.2.1. Aided refugees Development projects Colombo plan to provide money to commonwealth countries... Most money went to Pakistan and India
1.3. Canada and US relationship
1.3.1. Americans were angry that Canada was helping the draft resisters those who ran away from conscription
1.4. cold war
1.4.1. The cold war- there were many tensions in between the two ideologies and both sides attacked each other indirectly. e.g. korean war.1991-the cold war ended race for nuclear advancements. Cuban missile Crisis- Russia sent nuclear missiles to cuba and was setting them up. War could erupt at any time and both us and ussr would finish each other. Vietnam war True pictures of the war were being brought through the television and many people were beginning to go against the war.
2. Economic
2.1. the economic cycle
2.1.1. 1970 the prices of manufactured goods went up Canadians couldn't buy much, lost their jobs.
2.1.2. Debts Free trade With the united states.
3. Regional
3.1. regionalism
3.1.1. western alienation- the manufacturing provinces ONT/QUE were doing better than resources provinces BC/ AB
3.1.2. Created a gap between the rich and poor and led to the poor resenting the rich. 1970 oil crisis
3.2. french english relations
3.2.1. 1980/1995 referendum
3.2.2. Patriate the constitution and the kitchen accord and then the meech lake
3.2.3. Sovereignty association- free trade between CAN and Que, common currency for the two, common tariffs against imported goods.
4. Political
4.1. canadian autonomy
4.1.1. A new flag (1965) symbol of modern Canada and move away from Britain
4.1.2. Massey commission investigated the state of Canadian Culture and put CBC in charge of: Canadian people were listening to a lot of american radio shows and american trends were trending in canada as well. NFB was introduced to promote canadian films. Canada council for the arts- gave grants to writers and artists.
5. Social
5.1. Aborignal
5.1.1. 1950 the residental school were in active
5.1.2. 1951 the indian act was changing in a number of ways
5.1.3. 1960 the aborignal kids were attending provincial school
5.1.4. 1960 the aborignal people got to vote
5.1.5. By the late 1960s the aborignal people were pressuring ottawa and provincial government to bring changes
5.1.6. 1969 the liberal party introduced the White paper
5.1.7. The same year the aborginal organization the National Indian Botherhood introduce the Red paper
5.1.8. 1970 many indians were taking over education of their own children band school
5.1.9. 1982 the assembly of the first nations was formed to represent the aborignal people to deal in the federal government
5.1.10. 1985 the aborignal women won the to keep their status as aboriginal if they marry non-aboriginal
5.1.11. 1996 the last government to run the residential school closes
5.2. Women
5.2.1. 1950-Women were told to stay at home and care for the children.
5.2.2. 1950-women who were woking were facing bad conditions and were getting paid less
5.2.3. 1960-women were going against their role in society so they were going on strike women wanted equal rights
5.2.4. Omnibus Bill- brought in abortion and greater overall freedom for women 1980/ 90 - women rights were put into the constitution
5.3. immigration
5.3.1. 1946-1960- the immgration was ease and lots of people were coming from different places like war birdes and refugees
5.3.2. 1971 - encouraged different ethnic groups to express their cultures