GameOnStuff ecommerce

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GameOnStuff ecommerce by Mind Map: GameOnStuff ecommerce

1. Media Buying

1.1. Banner Placement

1.2. Magazine Ads

2. Pay Per Click

2.1. Facebook Ads

2.2. Google Ads

2.3. YouTube Ads

3. Affiliate Marketing

3.1. Affiliate Window

3.2. Commission Junction

3.3. Tradedoubler

4. Analytics & Monitoring

4.1. Google Analytics

4.2. Facebook Insights

4.3. Hootsuite Stats

5. Voucher Schemes

5.1. Groupon

5.2. KGB Deals

5.3. Living Social

5.4. Voucher Cloud

6. Content Creation

6.1. Photography

6.2. Descriptions

6.3. Blog

6.4. Podcast

6.5. Graphics

6.6. Newsletter

6.7. YouTube Reviews

6.8. Events

6.8.1. Sponsoring events

6.8.2. Covering events

7. SEO

7.1. Product Description SEO

7.2. YouTube SEO

7.3. Blog SEO

7.4. Off site SEO

8. Social Media

8.1. Facebook

8.2. Twitter

8.3. YouTube

8.4. Pinterest

8.5. Google+

9. Programming

9.1. New Features

9.2. Maintenance

9.3. Sever Management

9.4. Email Management

10. Administration

10.1. Site Administrator

10.2. Customer Service

10.3. Warehouse Management/Shipping

10.4. Affiliate & PPC

10.5. Social Media Manager

10.6. SEO

10.7. Progammer