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1. We use present simple to talk about present habits repeated actions and fixed arrengments

1.1. Th

2. Verbs that end in vowel Y we just add S in the third person for example play/plays

3. EXAMPLE (AFFIRMATIVE): She works very hard

4. EXAMPLE (NEGATIVE): She does not work very hard

5. EXAMPLE (INTERROGATIVE): Does she works very hard?

6. The present simple is ussually use adverbs of times like always every day usually etc.

7. 100% always, constantly, continuously, habitually 90% usually, normally, mostly, regularly 75% frequently, generally, repeatedly 60% often 50% sometimes 40% occasionally, sporadically 20% rarely, seldom, infrequently 0% never

8. Wh- questions. Typical wh- words are what, where, when, why, who, how, how many, how much.

9. NEGATIVE: subject + do/does + not + verb + complement

10. General Rules: Verbs that end in sh, ss, x or x we have to add ES in the third person for example go/goes

11. Verbs that end in a consonant Y we remove Y and have to add IES for example marry/marries

12. AFFIRMATIVE:subject + verb + complement

13. ¿? QUESTION: auxiliary + subject + verb + complement + ?

14. DOES: HE, SHE and IT, work today?

15. DO: I, WE, YOU, and THEY, work today?

16. Yes, she does/ No, doesn´t

17. Yes, I do/ No I dont´n