Individual Learning Constructivism

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Individual Learning Constructivism by Mind Map: Individual Learning Constructivism

1. Teaching Implications

1.1. Teacher

1.1.1. Facilitator: a guide to facilitate learning

1.2. Learning based on previous experiences

1.2.1. Teacher should provide learning experieces that expose insconsistencies between current understandings and new experiences

1.3. Actively engage students

1.3.1. Using relevant problems and group interactions

1.4. Active learning

1.4.1. Exploring

1.4.2. Experience

1.4.3. Experimentation

2. Origins

2.1. Philosophical

2.1.1. Kant

2.2. Educational

2.2.1. Piaget Learning should be compared to the growing of living organisms

3. Knowledge

3.1. Subjective (not objective truth)

3.1.1. Biological and Experiential history Dissatisfaction or Cognitive dissonance Lead individual to reach some sort of mental equilibrium by exploration or questioning

4. Theory Implications

4.1. Focus on the individual

4.1.1. Act of learning is based on a process which connects new knowledge to pre-existing knowledge Reorganizing mental reprentations (Schema - Piaget) Assimilation Accomodation Implications of this conception go beyond conventional education into interpersonal communication and psychotherapy

4.1.2. ** We are social beings and we cannot ignore the power of social interactivity.** Russian psychologist Vygotsky.


5.1. Ausubel

5.1.1. “The most important factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows”.

5.2. Dewey

5.2.1. "Learners should be actors rather than spectators".

5.3. Driver and others

5.3.1. "Individual learner[s] behaves like scientist[s] seeking to make sense of the world."