HotelGo - Business Plan

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HotelGo - Business Plan by Mind Map: HotelGo - Business Plan

1. Proven to be effective business model

2. 7. Business Model

2.1. How HotelGo gains revenue?

2.2. HotelGo takes a 10% commission on each transaction.

3. 8. Financing Goal

3.1. How much money does HotelGo need? Detailed breakdown plan TBD.

4. 9. User Testimonials

4.1. When are HotelGo Reviews Posted?

4.2. Guests and hosts have 14 days after checkout to write a review.

5. 10. Press

6. 11. Team

6.1. Introduction of key persons

7. 12. Competitive Advantages

7.1. Why HotelGo is special? Strength and uniqueness

7.2. First to market; host incentive; ease of use; profile; mobile capability, self-check, design and brand

8. 13. Competitor Analysis

9. 14. Marketing Strategy

9.1. How HotelGo grows its market?

9.2. Events; target events monthly; partnership; Discount on other hotel facilities

10. 1. Cover

10.1. What HotelGo Does?

10.2. Book rooms with B&B, Apt, Hotels, rather than local.

11. 2. Market Gaps & Opportunities

11.1. Identify market gaps and potential opportunities existing in current market.

11.2. Price is an important concern for travelers booking hotel rooms directly or through OTA aren't cheap, Comes with things that we don't require. Companies like Airbnb does provide this service but there are other concerns. i.e. Security, H&S, Noise, Not purpose built.

12. 3. Solutions

12.1. A web/Mobile platform where users can Let out their empty rooms to host travelers. To save money by customising your stay, make money while accommodating for less. i.e. Optional Housekeeping, Optional Grab&Go Breakfast Club, Mobile check-in, Digital Key.... Easy to manage, less cost, PS for guest

12.1.1. How HotelGo fill in the market gap and offer its solutions?

13. 4. Market Validation

13.1. Is there a market size?

13.2. Airbnb with 150 million total users;

14. 5. Market Size

14.1. Approximate the market size.

14.2. generates $11 billion revenue through the channel. Airbnb valued at $31 billion

15. 6. Product

15.1. How the HotelGo platform works?

15.2. Search by City, Date, Review listings, Price, Grab&Go B/Fast, GYM, Swimming Pool, Restaurants, Bars, RyanAir Analogy