Let the Church know

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Let the Church know by Mind Map: Let the Church know

1. The urge of doing things "better"

2. The Spies

2.1. NLT version

3. A primer on Church Organization

4. New node

5. New node

6. Reporting (?)

6.1. Primitive church

6.1.1. The apostles

6.1.2. Da Book of Acts

6.1.3. Hierarchology

6.2. Media

6.2.1. TV

6.2.2. Radio

6.2.3. Press

6.2.4. Internet

6.3. Reports

6.3.1. Planning

6.3.2. Statistics

6.3.3. Evaluation

6.4. Good news, Bad news

6.4.1. Honesty Facts vs Opinions A matter of faith

7. Do not let the Church know

7.1. Secrecy in the Church

7.1.1. Scandals

7.1.2. Administration

8. Reporting vs gossiping