Suggestions on how best to honour the agentic perspective of Hussain's students and to facilitate...

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Suggestions on how best to honour the agentic perspective of Hussain's students and to facilitate student-centred assessment in a transdisciplinary context. by Mind Map: Suggestions on how best to honour the agentic perspective of Hussain's students and to facilitate student-centred assessment in a transdisciplinary context.

1. Reflection

2. Co-constructing the success criteria for the lesson to encourage a shared language, clear and measurable goals and to enable effective self and peer assessment.

3. Student-led conferences

4. Modelling of language for peer feedback.

5. How deep did you go with your thinking? Student self assessment-could link with solo taxonomy.

6. Referring to shared understandings of what quality and success looks like for diverse learners.

7. Differentiation

8. Collaboration

9. Learning goals will be child-centered.

10. Providing a variety of opportunities to collaborate with their peers, or teachers, or other sources (family members, specialists etc.)

11. After establishing mutual trust, the teacher can communicate their feedback and discuss the students strategies of the next steps they intend to take.

12. Provide student agency in the resources they wish to use to support their learning, their method of communicating their ideas, the amount of teacher support they would like.

13. Documentation methods