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Nutrition by Mind Map: Nutrition

1. All different based products in food

2. Life stages

3. Dry food

3.1. Taylor made to species of animal

3.1.1. Complete Contains all the nutrients for that animal

4. Vitamins and minerals

4.1. Fat and water soluble vitamins

5. Gastrointestinal issues

5.1. Sensitivity

5.1.1. Low fat

6. Urinary

6.1. prevents formation of crystals

7. Helps with growth

8. Raw diets

8.1. Salmonella

8.2. Buy a separate fridge and freezer to store

8.3. Doesn't contain all the nutrients needed for growth

9. Proteins

9.1. Helps with growth and muscle mass

10. Energy

11. Fats

11.1. Long term energy store

12. Carbohydrates

12.1. energy source- bulking agent

13. Hypoallergenic

14. Renal

14.1. less proteins

14.2. reduced phos

14.3. reduced sodium