1. Preschool Period
1.1. Physical - In this stage of development, a child's gross motor and fine motor skills develop rapidly allowing them to become more and more efficient in everyday tasks as well as in their play.
1.1.1. I remember that one of my favorite things to do outside was play on the swings.
1.2. Cognitive - In this stage, children are very egocentric in the way that they view the world and interact with others. Their speech patters are also rapidly developing as they practice skills such as pragmatics and private and social speech.
1.2.1. My favorite indoor activity was probably puzzles and writing in my journal.
1.3. Social-Emotional - Children in this stage are forming their sense of self and working on self-concept. They are also developing their gender identity.
1.3.1. I remember my best friend's name was Bridgett, but I has many other friends too.
2. Adolescence
2.1. Physical - In this stage of development, puberty strikes. This means that many changes are happening inside the body. In girls, this includes having their first period and breast growth.
2.1.1. I hated puberty, I'm pretty sure it was the worst time in my life. Even though my mother had attempted to prepare me, nothing could really prepare me more than experience.
2.2. Cognitive - In this stage, ego-centrism develops in a sense that they believe that everyone is watching them. Their verbal, mathematical, and spatial skills also improve.
2.2.1. I'm pretty sure I still suffer from a sort of ego centrism. I sometimes think I have an imaginary audience or think that everyone is watching me, when in reality i know they aren't.
2.3. Social-Emotional - In this stage, a person is developing their identity and peer pressure can be a big issue. They tend to disagree with parents more often because of their want for autonomy.
2.3.1. I never caved into peer pressure when it came to drinking, smoking, or drug.
3. Middle Childhood/School Age
3.1. Physical - Growth slows at this stage in development, but is still relatively steady. Something that adults need to watch for is childhood obesity - as it can lead to problems later in life.
3.1.1. I was always a pretty small child, and my favorite game was four-square.
3.2. Cognitive - In this stage of development children are working on the ability known as decentering, they are also understanding the concept of conservation.
3.2.1. At this age I remember getting into arguments with my mother about how my sister was receiving more than me, even though it was the same amount in a different glass.
3.3. Social-Emotional - Development in this stage focuses on the understanding of one's own identity in contrast to others as they work on their friendships, differing slightly depending on gender. They also approach moral problems as good, responsible members of society.
3.3.1. In fifth grade I was friends with almost everyone in my class. I got along better with people of the opposite gender.
4. Late Adulthood
4.1. Physical - People get shorter at this age of development because the backbone cartilage thins and women continue to be at high risk for Osteoporosis. Chronic diseases also become more common.
4.1.1. My grandmother had a lot of back issues, so I'm worried that it may be hereditary. There are probably ways in which I can prevent chronic diseases and degeneration at a rapid level.
4.2. Cognitive - Declines in cognition are minimal until at least 80, and even then they can be maintained with "exercising" them and using the brain to it's full capacity. Short term memory seems to be the only type of memory that declines.
4.2.1. I think that with continues exercise of the brain, I will remain at top cognitive function until I die. I also don't have anyone in my family with dementia or Alzheimer's.
4.3. Social-Emotional - Retirement becomes a major event during this time period and if the person maintains a healthy lifestyle it can bring an overall life satisfaction.
4.3.1. I think retirement will be a fun time where I can really focus on time with my partner. Where we could spend time doing things that we never had time for.
5. Middle Adulthood
5.1. Physical - The senses gradually decline at this age, as does height and reaction time. Osteoporosis is likely to occur in women as they age and go through menopause.
5.1.1. In taking a biology class this semester, I feel like I am better prepared to prevent Osteoporosis.
5.2. Cognitive - Certain cognitive functions may decline such as retrieval of long-term memory. Older adults problem solve in a way that uses their life experience when considering options.
5.2.1. I think I could keep my cognitive functions going strong if I continue to use and develop them in different ways and not let them waste away.
5.3. Social-Emotional - People develop a concept that their life will eventually end, but despite the idea of a "midlife crisis" their lives are usually happy and marital/family satisfaction is high.
5.3.1. The idea of a midlife crisis is a myth, and I hope that I am happy and satisfied with my social life when it comes to this stage.
6. Early Adulthood
6.1. Physical - In this stage abilities peak at age 20 and growth is complete, afterwards it maintains itself before a slow decline. There are many risks involved in early adulthood including drugs, alcohol, obesity, and anorexia.
6.1.1. Even though I'm 21, I don't feel as id I am in my peak physical condition because school has me sitting down so much. I'm not obese, but I'm definitely not healthy.
6.2. Cognitive - Individuals experience problem solving in a better way because of life experiences and intelligence is used in a variety of way besides school work. Any life event can shape cognitive development.
6.2.1. I definitely think my problem solving abilities have gotten better and better. I feel like I know more and can apply it better to most situations.
6.3. Social-Emotional - The way in which people at this stage experience intimacy is largely based upon attachment from childhood and infancy. Marriage, children, and divorce are some common occurances.
6.3.1. I'm not married yet, but I hope to be soon. I sort of lost touch with a lot of friends because I'm out of high school, so I wish that were better.
7. Infancy and Toddlerhood
7.1. Physical - Infants and toddlers are making great strides in their physical development as they learn to hold their heads up, sit up, crawl and even begin to walk.
7.1.1. I crawled at 7 months and was walking by 8 months.
7.2. Cognitive - Infants and toddlers in this stage are exploring and experimenting with the world around them, as they learn about object permanence, and their language develops.
7.2.1. I was 5 months when I spoke my first word, "Kitty."
7.3. Social-Emotional - Infants and toddlers are born with many different temperament types that can affect how a parent or caregiver may need to interact with them.
7.3.1. I had a very easy going temperament.
8. Prenatal and Newborn
8.1. Physical - Humans are born with innate reflexes that they have been practicing for months while still in the womb.
8.1.1. My mother observed the startle reflex in me as an infant when she laid me on the bed.
8.2. Cognitive - While still a newborn infants respond to operant conditioning, this means that a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened depending on the negative or positive consequences that it is associated with.
8.2.1. Whenever I cried, my mother would always come and comfort me as I developed a secure attachment early on.
8.3. Social-Emotional - From the moment humans are born they begin responding to others and can even discriminate between basic facial expressions.
8.3.1. My mother would make different faces at me when I was a baby.
9. Death and Dying
9.1. Physical - Death can be functional or brain. Functional death is the absence of heartbeat and breathing. Brain death is when all signs of brain activity have stopped.
9.1.1. The death of a loved one can be physically taxing. It can make a person's heart hurt and not want to eat.
9.2. Cognitive - Death is a process by which a person comes to terms with it. According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross the five basic steps are; denial, anger, bargaining, depressing, and acceptance.
9.2.1. If I were confronted with the idea that I were dying, I know it would be hard on me mentally. I don't know if I would have the strength to pursue onward from that point.
9.3. Social-Emotional - There is a certain period of adjustment following the death of a loved one. There is also steps a person goes through in the grieving process. The first stage is shock, the second is the confronting of death and realizing the reality of it, and finally they accommodate and pick up the pieces where they left off.
9.3.1. I think an important part of dealing with death is having a strong social network to help you work through the grief.