Theoretical Perspectives

Theoretical perspectives that promotes language

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Theoretical Perspectives by Mind Map: Theoretical Perspectives

1. Behavorist

1.1. Nurture

1.2. Language knowledge semantic, syntactic, and morphemic

1.3. Based on stimuli, responses, and reinforcement

1.4. Skinner

2. Cognitive Developmentalist

2.1. Nature

2.2. Language knowledge semantic and morphemic

2.3. Language develop as maturation

2.4. Jean Piaget

3. Interactionist

3.1. Nurture

3.2. Language knowledge pragmatic

3.3. Sociocultural interaction

3.4. Vygotsky, Bruner, Halliday

4. Nativist

4.1. Nature

4.2. Language knowledge syntactic

4.3. Inborn or Innate

4.4. Noam Chomsky