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Community 2021 by Mind Map: Community 2021

1. Benchmarking Existing Efforts

2. Domain Names

2.1. Old

2.2. Traffic

2.3. Backlinks

2.4. Authority

3. Funnel

4. Automate Social Media

5. Emails

6. SMS

7. Save Your Manage Your Files

8. Tools

9. Training

10. Mobile Apps

11. Keywords are the foundation of any successful DM Campaign

11.1. 5 Keywords

12. Content

12.1. 5 Content Headlines

13. Website

13.1. Template/Theme

14. Social Media

14.1. Bundle

14.1.1. Instagram

14.1.2. Facebook

14.1.3. Website

15. Video

15.1. Intro for Yourself

16. Emails

16.1. 1 Email that you can send to new customers

17. Competitors

17.1. Spy Exactly Offers

17.2. Landing Pages

17.3. Prices

17.4. Reviews

18. SEO

18.1. 5 Backlinks build today

19. Standard Operating Procedures

20. Paid Ads

21. Talent