Translation and Interpretation Course

Translation and Interpretation Course

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Translation and Interpretation Course by Mind Map: Translation and Interpretation Course

1. A cognate is that word that exists in two languages, sharing the same morphological root, meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.

1.1. Keep in mind that they could be spelt the same or similar but mean completely different things.


2.1. Word Order

2.1.1. To master English and grammar, it is very important to know how to place all the elements of a sentence correctly. First, the basic structure of sentences in English is: The SUBJECT comes before the VERB. However, there are many more patterns to write sentences in English

2.1.2. Sentences have their basic form or structure, but the most important elements are: subject, verb and object. Remember that the construction of a sentence is ordered according to the grammatical function of its elements.


3.1. Orden de palabras en español

3.1.1. Word order is always one of the most debated topics in linguistic studies, however it has been accepted that the placement of elements in Spanish is summarized in the following sequence: SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT + COMPLEMENTS. This is the most common order, which differs from classical Latin. In Spanish there are two main types of word order: Orden natural Sujeto+Verbo+Objeto+Complementos adverbiales Orden invertido Complementos adverbiales+Sujeto+Verbo+Objeto El orden sintáctico en español se organiza en: primero el sujeto, luego el verbo y después los atributos/complementos(directo, indirecto, circunstancial) solo es importante en caso de dudas, puesto que los autores imponen su propio criterio. Éste se rige más por criterios de estilo e intereses particulares que por una tal estructura gramatical lógica.

4. Cognates and False cognates ENGLISH-SPANISH

4.1. Cognados perfectos

4.1.1. Se trata de aquellas palabras que son exactamente iguales en ambos idiomas (a veces con alguna tilde más en castellano. Y diferente pronunciación, claro). Altar Altar Animal Animal Area Área Artificial Artificial Auto Auto

4.2. False cognates

4.2.1. A word in one language that is similar in form or sound to a word in another language but has a different meaning and is not etymologically related Advertisement Advertencia Assist Asistir Carpet Carpeta College Colegio

4.3. Extra info.

4.3.1. Cognates are the words that are easiest to learn because they’re similar to the words you already know, because they’re descended from the same root word.

4.3.2. False cognates should be taught in the beginner levels in order to avoid future confusions and embarrassments.

4.3.3. To avoid confusing these words, give words within a context.

5. Ashly Gabriela, Araujo Romero-USLI021818