Steward Leadership

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Steward Leadership by Mind Map: Steward Leadership

1. How do employee perceptions of steward leadership impact the organizational culture?

2. In what ways do the spirituality views impact organizational culture and in what ways, if any do they influence or support stewardship?

3. Organizational Culture

3.1. Workplace Spirituality

3.1.1. Authentic leadership

3.1.2. Self-leadership

3.1.3. Religious view

3.1.4. Existentialist view

3.1.5. Intrinsic–orgin view

4. Leadership Types

4.1. Trait-based leadership

4.2. Servant leadership

4.3. Transformational leadership

4.4. Situational leadership

5. Non-profit organizations

5.1. Owners, Agents and Principals

5.2. Mission over money: steward's role is to provide clear and consistent role expectations in service of the organizational mission. (This builds follower commitment to the organization. Also reinforces followers feeling of community and organizational purpose.)

5.3. Shrinking resources

5.3.1. If resources such as specialty talent is shrinking in the marketplace along with the backlog of resources at the ports, how do stewards balance the resources to achieve the mission?

6. Agency Theory

6.1. Psychological factors that differentiate agency theory from stewardship theory

6.2. Situational factors that differentiate agency theory from stewardship theory

7. How do self and authentic leadership–spirituality leadership traits–align with personal mastery, a stewardship dimension?

8. In what ways do each of the listed leadership types foster intergenerational reciprocity in comparison to the steward leadership type?

9. Intergenerational reciprocity: applying a retrospective obligation by ensuring the wellbeing of future generations while "paying back" those from the past for the same behaviors.

10. Stewardship: According to Hernandez (2008) is defined as the "Attitudes and behaviors that place the long–term best interest of a group ahead of personal goals that serve an individual's self–interests".

11. How do structures within non-profits help steward leaders generate trust?

12. How do stewards prevent systematic organizational structures, systems, processes or approaches from creating and promoting agents? A consideration is bonus structures and incentives that are individually awarded based on individual contributions and organizational outcomes.

13. In what ways does leader identity manifest within the organization and influence organizational culture?

14. Discovery Theme: The followers perception of the leader has an organizational and leader impact influencing the culture and leaders ability to cultivate stewardship within the organization.

15. Discovery Theme: lack of resources may challenge the steward leader and create issues with demonstration and commitment of mission work.

16. How do steward leader behaviors influence followers to behave as stewards?

17. How do steward leadership behaviors impact followers?

18. Leadership behaviors: Determinants of steward leadership

18.1. Relational support created by leadership behaviors

18.1.1. Conceives interpersonal trust

18.2. Contextual support created by leadership behaviors

18.2.1. Conceives institutional trust: sense of community with a common fate

18.3. Motivational support created by leadership behaviors

18.3.1. Fosters intrinsic motivations that drive stewardship outcomes:

18.3.2. Self-efficacy

18.3.3. self-determination

18.3.4. feelings of purpose

19. Trust

19.1. Interpersonal: when the leader demonstrates care and concern for the follower

19.2. Institutional: social contract implies that the leader will pursue the interests of many followers payuing attention to the broader needs of the followers within the context of the organization.

20. Pathway to steward leadership

20.1. Delivering Results

20.2. Raising Awareness

20.3. Vulnerability and Maturity

20.4. Valuing Diversity

20.5. Mentoring

20.6. Personal Mastery

20.7. Personal Vision

20.8. Shared Vision

20.9. Risk-taking and Experimentation

21. How do steward leadership behaviors impact followers?

22. In what ways do the steward leadership dimensions cultivate a steward mindset?

23. To what extent are all nine dimensions needed to cultivate steward leadership?

24. What happens within the organization when the needs of the followers are not met by the steward leader and trust is jeopardized?

25. What influence does psychological safety play on followers taking risk and demonstrating moral courage?

26. How do organizational values interplay with followers' personal or moral principles?

27. In what ways can steward leader behaviors prevent moral social loafing?

28. Moral social loafing occurs when the network of stewards aligns both personally and organizationally resulting in the personal relief of the individual level of responsibilities.

29. How do followers' beliefs about trust impact the perceptions of stewardship within the organization?

30. Discovery theme: Leader behaviors play a significant role in influencing followers, organizational culture and supporting the development of stewardship. The concept shows up across the various nodes identified in the map.

31. Discovery theme: Trust is critical to the development of stewardship within the organization and within both the follower and leader. Trust is a catalyst for motivation and development.