Productive Uses for Broadband

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Productive Uses for Broadband por Mind Map: Productive Uses for Broadband

1. Business

1.1. Networking

1.2. Exporting

1.3. Communication

1.3.1. Skype

1.4. Telecommute

1.5. Sending Files

2. Government

2.1. Service Delivery

2.2. Cost management

3. Agriculture

3.1. Water monitoring

3.2. Stock Monitoring

4. Social

4.1. Communication

4.2. Mental Health

4.3. Access to social connections

4.3.1. social networking

5. Tourism

6. Health

6.1. Tele Consult

6.1.1. Allied Health

6.1.2. Nurse

6.1.3. Doctor

6.2. Emergency Medical Assistance

7. Education

7.1. School of the Air

7.1.1. Music

7.2. TAFE

7.3. Outback Schools

7.4. University Open learning

7.4.1. All member uiversities

7.5. Professional Training

8. Mining

8.1. Exploration communication

8.2. Site infrastructure

9. Indigenous

10. Community

10.1. Websites updated