Stephen's To Do List

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Stephen's To Do List by Mind Map: Stephen's To Do List

1. General

1.1. Mid Course Transfer Form

2. Research

2.1. ITunes over Network

2.2. PSP / Itunes

2.3. Video Conferencing

2.4. Phones / Bluetooth

2.5. Digital Sinage - Sedao Software

2.6. E-Learning Bulletin

2.7. Dartfish - PE (Lesley Abbey) & Drama

2.8. Nintendo Wii / Sports

3. Fronter

3.1. RSS Feed Integration

3.1.1. BBC Education

3.2. FIM

3.2.1. Unblock Ports

3.3. School Calendar

3.4. Email Integration

3.4.1. Staff SSL Explorer

3.4.2. Student Scalix Import Users

3.5. New School Year Import

4. Training

5. Broadband

5.1. Router Installation

5.2. Blocking

5.3. Firewall

5.4. WAN Failover system

5.5. Telephone Line Installation

5.6. ISP Activation

6. Network / Remote Access

6.1. SSL Explorer Box

6.2. Forward to IP Address

6.3. SIMS

6.4. Staff Exchange E-Mail

6.5. My Documents

6.6. Helpdesk

7. Google Apps

7.1. Calendar Setup

7.2. Staff Phone Numbers

7.3. Photocopy Signup sheet