Gender and Work
by jacquelyn cook
1. 14 hour work days as domestic worker, not including travel by bus time
2. Relationship between patroa (employer) and empregada (domestic worker) is ambiguous affections
3. Employing a domestic is a class "marker" (state of mind)
4. Beth (patroa) took Gloria's daughter and baby into her home - Gloria wanted her work rewarded more directly
5. Domestic workers speak and behave differently - class is a game of signs
6. Racialized class relationship - lower-class (black) nanny and upper -class (white) child
7. Poverty is class problem - not race problem, there has never been a race-based affirmative action in Brazil
8. "Color-blind" sexuality - interracial unions are supposed to display a liberal attitude toward race/sexuality
9. Women in favela's (shantytowns) believe their best way of getting out is a Coroa (older, richer, usually white male) - "money whitens"
10. Black sexuality seen as "Other", exotic yet pathological (Jezebel)
11. Sexualized mulata is the embodiment of Carnival; Internet echoes historical gaze
12. By Coroa desiring his domestic servant, he is not racist, neutralizes class exploitation
13. Racial/class characteristics work against women in securing a job with adequate pay
14. "Good appearance" is meant to discourage dark-skinned people from applying for a job
15. "Low other" object of view in bourgeois high-culture gaze - reminds them what don't want to be
16. Education is tied to privilege - not easily attained by "low other"
17. Young women are choosing industrial work, for better pay, than to be a domestic
18. Oppositional culture is a response to domination - women choose prostitution, men choose violence
19. Brazil is the last country to abolish slavery
20. Movimento Negro is the current black cousciousness movement in Brazil
21. Movimento Negro is the current black cousciousness movement in Brazil