The American Boom - 1920's

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The American Boom - 1920's by Mind Map: The American Boom - 1920's

1. Society

1.1. 'The Cycle of Prosperity'

1.2. Jobs were easier to find

1.3. People were earning more money

1.4. They could afford consumer products - Radios etc

2. Business

2.1. Increase in demand for consumer goods as people had more money

2.1.1. Created even more jobs

3. After World War 1

3.1. Didn't damage Americas land

3.2. Increase in demand for American goods

3.3. Meant the American Economy started to boom

4. 5 Causes of The Boom

4.1. 1. Isolationism

4.1.1. Stayed out of Europes business and imposed high import tariffs to make even more profit

4.2. 2. Technology

4.2.1. New advances in Technology, New industries - Electrical, Chemical and Film. Hollywood! Houses had electricity so they could have Radios etc

4.3. 3. Mass Production

4.3.1. Car industry - Ford Model T. Henry Ford's production line. Created mass amount of cars quickly. New car made every 3 mins

4.4. 4. Hire Purchase

4.4.1. Borrowing money and paying back later - gave people more spending money and increased demand for goods

4.5. 5. Shares

4.5.1. Businesses made money for expansion by selling shares on stock exchange, shareholders made a profit too if the business did well