Factoring for Algebra 2

Factoring Mind Map for a High School Algebra 2 Class.

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Factoring for Algebra 2 por Mind Map: Factoring  for Algebra 2

1. First Step: GCF (Great Common Factor)

1.1. Constant GCF, Variable GCF

1.2. Prime Factorization of Integers

1.3. Variables with Exponents

2. Four Terms: Factor By Grouping

2.1. First Step is take out GCF for all four terms (if there is one), then make two groups

2.2. Factor the two groups using GCF

2.3. Factor the two groups using GCF

2.4. If no GCF>1, use 1 or -1

2.5. Know when to use the negative of the GCF

2.6. If the factored forms of the groups share the common factor in parentheses, it worked!! The repeat pattern in parentheses is one of the factors, and the other factor is the sum of the coefficients

3. Two Terms: Difference of Squares

3.1. First Step is take out GCF (if there is one)

3.2. Know list of perfect squares

3.3. Substitution (novel use of z)

4. Three Terms: Factoring Trinomials

4.1. First Step is take out GCF (if there is one)

4.2. The First and Last Method of Guess and Check

4.3. The Box

4.4. The Necklace

4.5. The AC Method of factor trinomials by grouping (The Hook and the Split)