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Spelling in 2.1 by Mind Map: Spelling in 2.1

1. Routines/ Activities

1.1. 15 list words

1.2. 3 words per day

1.3. Word study station

1.4. Personal dictionaries

1.5. Mantra

1.6. Editing process a focus across curriculum

1.7. Dictation

1.8. Use of dictionaries/ class references

2. Environment

2.1. Word walls

2.1.1. States/ Capita cities

2.2. Science Vocab

2.3. Generalisations

3. Resources

3.1. Studyladder

3.2. Florida Centre for Reading Research

3.3. Words Their Way

3.4. Error analysis

3.5. SWST

4. Explicit Teaching

4.1. Vocab associated with genre, content and function

4.2. 4 Knowledges

4.2.1. Used to order list words

4.2.2. Related activities

4.3. Adding 'ed'

4.4. Suffix - 'ful'

4.5. Strategies

5. Differentiation

5.1. Target groups with particular needs eg long vowel sounds

5.2. Studyladder assigned tasks

5.3. different word lists depending on errors/ choice

6. Assessment/ Feedback

6.1. Spelling tests

6.2. analysis of errors in writing

6.3. editing process in criteria for success

6.4. Common spelling errors discussed