How to turn waste water into a goldmine

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How to turn waste water into a goldmine by Mind Map: How to turn waste water into a goldmine

1. Who

1.1. Charlotte van Erp Taalman Kip

1.1.1. "she sees fertilizers and other usefull products"

1.2. profile on TEDxBinnenhof

2. What

2.1. How to turn waste water into a goldmine

3. waste water

3.1. a new way of thinking

3.2. develop new business opportunities

3.3. sewage

3.4. ice

3.5. sustainable future

3.6. interesting potential

3.7. water authorities

3.8. key to succes

3.8.1. long term Public Privare partnership

4. when you go to the toilet

4.1. you flush away drinking water

4.2. the waste water

4.3. you flush away resources

4.4. lots of places where there is no drinking water

5. the entire periodic system is in your ‪#wastewater‬... recover it!"

6. "turning wastwater in a goldmine is not only a technological story, it's a story about opening eyes"

7. Dream about the potential of our sewage. It's a dream to be proud of.