2. Digestive System

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2. Digestive System by Mind Map: 2. Digestive System

1. Alimental canal aka gastrointestinal tract

1.1. Oral Cavity

1.2. Pharynx (throat)

1.3. Esophagus

1.4. Stomach

1.5. Small intestine (in order)

1.5.1. duodenum

1.5.2. jejunum

1.5.3. ileum

1.6. Large intestine (ascending colon)

1.6.1. ascending colon

1.6.2. transverse colon

1.6.3. descending colon

1.7. sigmoid

1.8. rectum

1.9. anus

2. Accessory digestive organs

2.1. salivary glands (located in oral cavity)

2.1.1. produces salivary amylase that break down starch digestion

2.2. liver and gallbladder

2.2.1. produce bile to digest and absorb fats

2.2.2. drains digestive enzymes into the duodenum

2.3. pancreas

2.3.1. produces most of your digestive enzymes amylases protease lipases

2.3.2. drains the digestive enzymes into the duodenum